Hsm Live Podcast: Hindman Student Ministries



Missed this past week's HSM LIVE service? Now you can stay up to date by downloading our most recent sermon from Wednesday night's at HSM LIVE.


  • God's Plan Is Bigger

    09/01/2014 Duración: 23min

    As we ring in 2014, take a moment and look at your own goals and desires for your life. Are they big? Do they seem too big? Well guess what, God's plans for you are so much bigger than the plans you have for yourself. The question is, will you trust Him with your future? Will you trust Him completely in 2014 and beyond? Take a listen to this week's sermon from HSM LIVE and be challenged to trust God more this year.

  • All Creation Sings (The Sky)

    14/11/2013 Duración: 26min

    Tonight we look at God's creation on day 2 as we consider how the sky is declaring the glory of God.

  • All Creation Sings (Introduction & Light)

    07/11/2013 Duración: 23min

    We begin a new study this week at HSM LIVE as we look at creation in a way that reminds us of our command to praise the Lord as part of His creation. How is your worship? Are you praising God the way you are commanded with your life? Let's find out together as we look at how all of the rest of God's creation is declaring His glory.

  • HSM LIVE: JWST (Hate Your Family?)

    26/09/2013 Duración: 20min

    Did Jesus really mean hate your family when he used that word in Luke 14? What is the real meaning of the word "hate" in the original language that scripture was written in? How are we to respond to this? Listen as we break apart this passage and find out what Jesus was actually saying.

  • HSM LIVE: JWST (Introduction)

    19/09/2013 Duración: 23min

    Not everything Jesus said was easy on the ears. The real question comes in what Jesus meant by what he said. This week we launch a brand new sermon series as we look at something of the more difficult things that Jesus said. Get your notebook and pen out and get ready for some deep moments in the Word of God over the next few weeks.

  • HSM LIVE: Stand Out (A Manifesto for Living on Purpose)

    22/08/2013 Duración: 26min

    This week, we challenge our students to begin a brand new school year by committing to "live on purpose". Ask yourself seven questions as you begin each new day so that God would use you to radically change your world.

  • HSM LIVE: Your Enemy's Ultimate Goal

    15/08/2013 Duración: 20min

    As a new semester begins, it's important for Christian students to understand how they will be attacked spiritually. Jesus, himself, gave us the enemy's strategy and it's the same every time. Check it out.

  • HSM LIVE: Awake Oh Sleeping Giant

    08/08/2013 Duración: 25min

    On our first Wednesday night back of the 2013 school year, we seek to commit ourselves to "Shaking the world" for the Gospel of Christ. The church is a sleeping giant that needs to be awakened. Check it out and share it with every Christian you know.